What does USDA licensed dairy operation data tell us about the effectiveness of the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) Program in providing a safety net to dairy producers?
Bedding and towels both play a critical role in milk quality and the potential need for antibiotic intervention to treat infections. University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine researchers
We made this pressure washer gun to wash the insides of our calf bottles on our bottle trailers. It is made so that three bottles can be washed at a time
As more and more data is collected on land use, farm operations, animal health, and food supply chains, many initiatives, including the Dairy Brain project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
In life’s priority list, it can be easy to get wrapped up in what society says we should be doing. Jump on any social network and you can see a ton of advice
How long have we heard that fluid milk must innovate in order to combat declining consumption? With such a dynamic marketplace, it seems that simple white milk is sometimes lost in the shuffle
One of the most challenging roles of the feeding team is to track and account for feed as it goes through the feeding center and into the bunk. In order to do this, it’s important to test, track,...
With winter comes new struggles in maintaining a dairy: fixing frozen pipes and alley scrapers, managing icy conditions for animals and employees, and even moving supplies and equipment through deep snow
Dairy products, including milk, supply the bulk of the calcium people get in their diets, and when you replace it with plant milk, you may be missing out.” That quote came direct
At World Dairy Expo, Chris Wolf, a professor in Agricultural Economics and Management at Cornell University, presented a seminar on the sometimes dreaded topic of dairy farm finances and decision making
A police report news blurb I saw a couple of weeks ago left me chuckling. A high-speed pursuit of a stolen vehicle ended at a dairy farm when the suspects managed to drive into the manure lagoon
Young calves are the most fragile asset a dairy producer has. We know that a calf’s value later in life as a profitable milk cow is largely impacted by her early development, but maintaining a successful...
We’ve never been the herd with the lowest somatic cell count (SCC). Our numbers have always bounced around, and we’ve literally tried everything to stabilize them
Tighter global milk supplies will provide a firm floor under dairy product prices over the next 12 months. Class III and Class IV contracts are unlikely to spend much — if any — time below...